Monday, June 4, 2012

The Set-Up

Here is my equipment with photos:

-An Aqueon Pro 100 watt heater

My Heater
-Aqueon QuietFlow 20
-A 20 Gallon Fish Tank bought of Craigslist
 -This is the filter and heater from the top
 -My Thermometer

-The surviving gang of 4. The black molly was bought today along with a smaller green tetra not shown, and the sunburst platy in the back corner dieing I believe, and then the large green tetra and dark orange platy up front I've had for two weeks. Names in order of mention are: Shelby, Celest, Starburst, Leon, Cheeto
-This is Celest who died within 3 hours of being bought
-The food I am currently feeding them twice a day with is Tetra Color Tropical Flakes

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