Monday, June 4, 2012


I have just begun my 20 gallon fish tank challenge. These are my current goals that I wish to accomplish this year.

- Have raised some platy fry

- Keep a set of fish alive for a year

-Have a good set of fish skills under my belt

- Self sustaining ecosystem

I am starting back up on my pet fish fun. When I was younger I had a few beta's and tetras and now that I am older and more mature I wish to try and create a somewhat complete ecosystem. I am pretty fresh in this so I think I'm starting easy with some platies, a molly, and what was 2 green tetras. I have some plant life. 3 kinds over all that are doing ok. I have just moved my original platy and tetra from it's one gallon to the 20 and uhhh ya this is where it begins. I'm open to any help that you can give me, and don't be afraid to shout out a challenge or something.

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